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Desires Dreams Destiny


Here is my DDD, but firstly welcome to my wild wide of wealth (www) and I do hope my page will inspire you to love and trust Jesus as your guidance angel to your own amazing DDD.

Day dreams, dreaming at nights and seeing some clear vision of what we want in general are the secrets to getting whatever we desire in life.

Time spent desiring something worthy, can certainly enhance our lives in many aspects.


More so, the clear vision we see of what we want can accelerate the reality of what that is into our hands, without fail.

Therefore my desires and goal will be different to you'res of course but that should not stop you from applying the DDD to what you want. The cheque in the image, is just one of the 

practical reality of what I had focused at the time. Notice the date.

Just recently another massive income have arrived into my hands and

This page is all about the amazing grace of God in my life, applying the 3 DDD's. Mind you this cheque was issued in 2011, and 5 years later my DDD are working amazingly, in effects of finance.

Please note, I am not trying to be boastful here, but simply trying to show what I have achieve applying the 3 DDD, to getting the results I desire.

In fact I had applied the DD well around 1997 when I had picked up a little jewel call “Think Rich Grow Rich” confirming my direction around the same time as I had accept Jesus as my Lord. Practical how the Lord had lead me to read Think Rich Grow Rich only after I have accepted him as my saviours, yet the Holy Bible and Think Rich Grow Rich was in my book shelf at home, but I could not comprehend it powers, until Jesus was my personal guiding angel.
Todays date is the 23rd of Sept 2016 and only a few weeks ago, I was given another US$1million income ontop of what I all ready have in my name, worth a staggering US$1.5Billion in total and could be more. Another US$22.5million was also provided in my name only a month ago, which are all from the activation of the DDD.
There is no way in lmy ife time I could ever worked for such mega amount of income, but I can confidently state, my current income derive from applying the 3DDDs actively, sence around 1996.

Of course applying the 3 DDD required a lot of my self-belief and very strong faith towards each item I have in this web page, to certain degree a miracle of the highest. US$22.5 a totally insane amount of income from purely using the powers of the DDD to accumulate the cash sum. On the other hand, the mega amounts of cash flow can only come from the mighty hands of God.

In saying Gods hands, I have an extra-large amount totalling US$1billion, which has a message attached to the promissory note from “God”

Of course I am a great believer in the hands of my God in all matters, for His Holy Words have stated it so, and therefore my task is to beleive what the Lord have writen in his Holy Scriptures.

If you are reading my about 3DDD, then I trust you will find some clever ideas from my web page to apply in your own existence and what you really want in your life time. Learning to apply the DDD is very simple and the only hard elements I have faced during my process, is the waiting time and the continue self-belief towards my billion dollars income in my Bank account.

If you are reading my 3DDD, then I trust you will find some clever ideas from my web page to apply in your own existence and what you really want in your life time. Learning to apply the DDD is very simple and the only hard elements I have faced during my process, is the waiting time and the continue self-belief towards my billion dollars income in my Bank account.

Therefore this web page is my testimony to the reality of Jesus Christ mighty hand, in the whole process of my DDD, supported by my mom and her dad’s prophecy over my life.


The newspaper clips shows the extreme measures taken to secure a US$405million luxury hotel building contract, but not what the accusation states. 

Two years later waiting in an Australian prison to prove my innocent arrived March 2016 perfectly on my birthday, about the same time when I went into prison around March.

Remarkable coincidence some may say, but to me the whole circumstance was a perfect well-orchestrated process to get me to Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia so I can receive the massive income into my bank account.

This web site reflects the reality of my DDD in effect along with a major brand name being established, purely from applying the DDD effectively, and being patient to wait on the right place and time, to receive the goods.

What may you learn from Afford Fortune, hopefully you can apply successfully in your own pursue of happiness, riches and wealth.

The examples of my own DDD certainly reflects on my own mind set, principles and values, which may not perfectly fits with your, that don’t mean my DDD don’t work. In fact it is a common factor that most successful individuals have worked really hard to getting to where they are, and I don’t disagree with common and basics of life.

Considering 1996 to 2016 is quite a wee bit of time to carry such massive expectation into the future, and not lose hope and focus of what you have before you in this page.

Sincerely I hope you will find some my contents worthy and useful, and only with some degree of faith and self-belief will you be able to enjoy the glory of your DDD.


Desire is to take something you really really want and be obsessive with it, until you have it in your hands, but not hurt anyone in the process. Most people will give up chasing their DDD because if they don’t have it at their specific time frame, it is not worth chasing, or continue.

Have you heard of the good old New Year’s resolutions, when asked the questions I am totally surprised at people who sets New Year’s resolutions and says, they never follow their new resolutions because it does not work for them.  

I have been adjusting my new year’s resolutions ever since I knew the simple practice is a door ways to greatness, and keep revising the plans of the future, every year.

The late Nelson Mandela stood by his DDD for a long and brutal 26 years before he proved to the world how great is his DDD.

Bill Gates the riches man alive, at a young lad obsessed with computers lead him to absolute greatness for his DDD.

You only got to look at some of the most successful sporting greats, to understand all other were well groomed and nurtured to greatness, which have taken years of preparations.  

Of course starting very young is a great advantage, but that should not be a religious attitude, with some of the world’s greatest successful people started out late, and never have up on their DDD.


Basically applying greater energy faith and attention to matters of important to us, may have some restrictions (barriers) should not deter us from seeking another door way into what we want.

Here is a classic story of friends and family who knew there was a very powerful man in the village, and they knew this man could provide some clear solutions to a family member. The trouble was the whole village had the same ideas and the house where the man was visiting in was crowded by the rest of the villagers.

Front door packed, back yard long queues of people are all waiting to see the very powerful man, and the family and friends of the person they needed to present before the powerful medicine man, did not give up on their pursue.

Finally they came up with an idea to overcome the rest of the other villagers and took in their own stride to present their troubled family member before the great medicine man. Be a great miracle of commitment indeed.

Hoisted by the friend up on top of the roof of the house, removed some roofing tiles and lowered the troubled friend before the great healer whom was in the house attending to a long queue of other villagers.

The story tells us, that no matter what doors windows are blocked with others people, we have to find another way into the great riches, wealth, healings, freedom, higher education, top sporting career, top paid jobs, beautiful relationship, having a child, living a life as a billionaire, receiving anything we desire in life etc.

No door way are closed even if the great wall of Berlin was still standing people still find ways to get across to other side of Germany. But as we know it today, such walls have been flattened to prove, not even such wall can stop the powers of the people.

The Berlin wall is of course a physical wall, but how many of you out there who are facing mental walls within yourself?

In fact, a mental blockage will have to be the most destroying wall one could ever encounter in our life time, and one which can easily be overcome.

Educating the mind to see new possibilities, pushing self to see greater opportunities, and never ever say, “I Can’t Do It”

Everything in life may take some simple starting point to activate the process, and more importantly using my DDD to spear head a major self-changes will be of a great miracle indeed.


Here it is again.

Desire, is wanting something so much we can die trying to getting whatever that is, without hurting self or others. Die, means dies to all other negative statements that say, You Can’t Do That!

Do what is needed to accomplish what the desire is, and keep seeking new possibilities and door ways to securing the desired objective.

Just Do It, do it today, because today is all we got, not when you are ready or when you are well educated, or when you’re at age, or when someone says you can do it!

You are reading some of these notes with one of the most accessible, free and powerful systems known to man. The Internet!

I found my DDDs in the internet, and I was obsessed with the system as soon as I was introduced to computers and the internet.  In my mind, I just knew this modern system can help me get whatever I want in my life.

Without boasting again, my DDD are to be one of the most successful self-made billionaire in the world, and I can only achieve such massive desire with the helping hands of my God, Jesus Christ.  

Dream, is to see clear mental pictures of what we want in our brains, day dreaming the same procedure, or mesmerising good thoughts towards an outcome.  

Destiny will take us to that Reality of the first two DD’s.

The above is a proven factor which all life form are created, and those whom have mastered the DDD are living proof of the fact.


I am a living proof of what I want to accomplish in my life, and one which I could not physically complete without the great helping hands of the master, creator God.

For 50 years I tried and tried to accomplish certain level of my desires, but found out, everything I desire are somehow controlled and connected with a bigger master switch. Thou I knew this fact, my journey towards my greatness, moved closer towards the outcome, and perhaps my own stubbornness may have caused some effects, but overall the reality exists to prove, chasing the DDD is worth it.

My Great Income worth in US$1.75billions (to date)are only a mare thoughts of my imaginations of course, but somehow the amazing God, and his universe have answered my desires, with written documents, as seen above to show me and who ever may read these notes, that great desires can indeed provide greater outcome.


I am a living proof of what I want to accomplish in my life, and one which I could not physically complete without the great helping hands of the master, creator God.

For 50 years I tried and tried to accomplish certain level of my desires, but found out, everything I desire are somehow controlled and connected with a bigger master switch. Thou I knew this fact, my journey towards my greatness, moved closer towards the outcome, and perhaps my own stubbornness may have caused some effects, but overall the reality exists to prove, chasing the DDD is worth it.

My Great Income worth in US$1.75billions (to date)are only a mare thoughts of my imaginations of course, but somehow the amazing God, and his universe have answered my desires, with written documents, as seen above to show me and who ever may read these notes, that great desires can indeed provide greater outcome.  

The signals of money is already activated, my bank account is set up, with a few test payments have arrived into my bank account, with massive transfers being set up as I write to record, this portion of my DDD.

More about myself, records the fact, I have 3 dads and 3 moms, and adopted twice in my life time, shows also a great irony of how blessed perhaps I am.

My dear grand dad Mago (shark) First World War veteran and his faithful daughter Moka, had a prophecy over my life, with these words “Born the Head of The Universe”

Remarkable words indeed and meaningful words of the highest degree and words I can relate to, with my DDD.  

Grandfather as a Shark, also gives strong meanings to who I am, and perhaps I am a shark, that can eat other sharks (lol) Better wording, as swim with the sharks but don’t get eaten by sharks.  

Literary my existence have some wonderful truth in words, and 24th of September as I record these thoughts, I am living with my wonderful cousin Koloki in his Meadstone home, 6 month after my release from the Melbourne Prison system.

The two years in prison, a Calling to fulfil a few duties on behalf of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, before being released to enjoy my new billionaire life style.

Just as important, I am making records of my existence to show the wonderful hands of God in my life, are not purely an idea, but a well-designed plans of God in my life.

The Australian High Courts are still sorting out some technical issues, as I accept the reality of my DDD are here for me to Take Over what I have already have in my name, on my Promised Land.

Perhaps I am just crazy enough to accept Gods plans and follow it through using perhaps the DDD to ensure I am on the right path with where my destiny is taking me

Nothing are impossible when we accepts and understands some reality of life, and prepared to go through any wall and barriers to getting whatever that is we desire. Destructive attitudes, mind sets, and foul language may hind ones greatest existence. To understand this idea, relates also to how all matter of life are formed and created.

For example, if we keep calling a person useless, I am pretty sure when that person lives their lives, and they will become just as such words are stated towards them.


More so, if we want to find something like the meaning of a word, we may find some really great understanding regarding the word, with deeper appreciations perhaps. Just as much as we may say words in anger.

The more destructive part, are the words people uses commonly thinking they are meaningful and make them feel professional, articulate and smart, with little regards to the true meaning of such words used.

Say we want to drive our car to the shopping mall, our words will say, “I am going to drive to the mall” and I don’t think, we will state, I will drive a rubbish bin to the shopping mall today.

Words have an accurate truth to its content and reality and used appropriately can bring to life serious outcome and great massive physical effects to the one using the right words to their days.

You may read my writings and noticed, I may not be the best of writers, but hey, I am at least doing something I love, and I don’t have to wait till I am perfect in my writing skills to share my existence, with the world.

The picture above an image of the mansion I desire to own for my family, and who can stop you from such luxurious existence? No One, Except You.

Lift your standards, your dreams, your desires your choices of words to say over matters important to yourself, and stick to those meaningful words and get rid of all your useless fowl langauge words you had been using in the past, may miraculously transform your world instantly.

Steven Siosiua Lakamu Afford
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